Monday, 10 June 2013

7th hole drainage work

Work has started on the installation of a new storm drain. Progress updates to follow. 

Wednesday, 5 June 2013

The new practice bunker and green

The grass is starting to grow on the new practice area. Today the bunker was excavated ready to be filled with sand. The Spring has not been good for getting seed to germinate and establish but we are heading towards better weather now.

It's been a while since I updated my blog. The golf course has moved on leaps and bounds with only one or two hiccups along the way. The most noticeable was the grass seed-heads on the greens. These appeared over one weekend, slowing the pace of the greens. On the following Monday the greens were groomed, thus lifting the seed-heads  allowing for a cleaner cut. A growth retardant was also applied which reduces the seed-head population. The putting surface is settling down nicely - extra rolling and cutting will take place prior to the championship weekend!
Good luck to all who take part.