Monday, 28 October 2013

Golf Course Maintenance Update October 2013

Following a busy few months I thought it was time to send out a maintenance update.
I have been pleased with how the greens have responded to all the scarifying and regular sanding we did throughout the summer. The emphasis was on producing a firmer and truer putting surface.
Our Autumn maintenance started during the first week of September. We carried out hollow coring and sand topdressing to the greens. Once again this went very well. Recovery was a little slow initially, this was mainly due to lack of rain fall. The irrigation was used but nothing beats a good shower of rain. The putting surface did settle down after a couple of weeks with the help of some light rolling. You may have noticed a few of the hollow core holes staying open. This was due to the Crane Fly larvae (leather jackets) living in the holes and coming to the surface to graze on the grass. The greens have now been sprayed to control these.

Now we are heading in to November the greens are in excellent condition to take us through the winter. There have been a couple of days of heavy rain. The greens have remained reasonable firm and disease free.
During 2012 you will remember that it seemed as if it was never going to stop raining. This continued into the start of 2013. The golf course continued to play reasonably well but I had notice the fairways getting wetter and wetter.  I suggested to the directors of the golf course that it would be a good idea to get a contractor in to carry out some verti-draining which they agreed.  

This was arranged to coincide with the hollow coring during the 1st week of October. Unfortunately after completing 6 fairways the machine developed a fault. It was decided that the best course of action was for the contractor to come back a few weeks later once the machine had been fixed. Upon his return everything went very smoothly, the rest of the fairways were completed in three days. The fairways recovered quickly; so far the results have been positive. It will be interesting to see if there is less standing water this winter!
Work has been carried out on a few ditches. I will try and get some more done next year when the ground conditions are suitable for heavy machinery.

Once again I will be keeping you informed of the work we are doing throughout the winter. We are looking at investing in some new machinery. Top of the list is a new bunker bike. I think that this will help us present the bunkers in a better condition, especially when they are wet.
I hope everyone visiting the clubhouse have spotted the hard work of one of the greenkeepers who is improving the appearance of the front entrance. Good work Mick!

Mark Smith
Head Greenkeeper

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